Thank you for choosing to report something that has happened. Things might feel difficult or tough at the moment, but by choosing to provide your contact details, we'll be able to help provide you with more direct support and will be in a better position to stop something similar from happening to anyone else.
If a report is made Monday-Friday, before 5pm, and it is regarding a student, it will be actioned on the same day by an advisor from the Mental Health and Wellbeing team. If your report is regarding a staff member, this will be actioned by Human Resources.
Before you make a report we want you to know that we will take into account your wishes if you tell us that you don’t want any further action to be taken as a result of the information you have provided. However, you need to be aware that exceptionally there may be occasions where, as part of our duty of care, we are required to investigate the incident and take any necessary action against individuals involved. This will be done only where necessary due to a significant risk or ongoing duty of care which we have to act upon. We will carefully consider why you do not want any further action to be taken, as well as the safety and wellbeing of anyone else affected.
Your data is important to us. We won't collect or store any information that goes against our data protection policy.