You can report a safeguarding concern using Report and Support. In order to report a concern, under the section titled “I would describe what happened as” in the report form, please select “A safeguarding concern”. 

The University does not expect individuals reporting a concern to know for certain whether it is a safeguarding matter. Reporting allows you to share your concern with a member of staff training in safeguarding, who will then assess the risk and determine the best course of action. 

When reporting a safeguarding concern, please give as much information as possible about your concern. Including the following information, which is particularly helpful: 

  • Contact details of the person at risk
  • Your contact details, in case we need to contact you to discuss the concern further 
  • Details of your specific concern (e.g. what are you worried about? why? when did you become aware of this concern? how long has this been going on?) 
  • Details of your most recent contact with the person at risk 
  • Is the person aware you are raising a safeguarding concern? 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened