Once you submit a safeguarding concern, the report will be triaged by a member of staff trained in safeguarding. Using the information you provide, this person will decide the best course of action to take. On some occasions, you may be contacted by a staff member for further information. 

Please provide as much information as you can in your safeguarding, and report the concern as soon as you become aware of it, so that appropriate action can be taken as quickly as possible. 

If the safeguarding concern raised relates to a student, your safeguarding concern will be triaged by a member of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team. We will make contact with the student to complete a safe and well check. If we are unable to reach the student, then we may take appropriate further action. This may involve contacting third parties including accommodation services, next of kin, or emergency services as necessary. 

If your safeguarding concern relates to a member of staff, this will be actioned by the Human Resources Department

There are two ways you can tell us what happened