Prevent relates to the University’s legal duty to prevent people from becoming radicalised and/or being drawn into terrorism. Please see the Universities Prevent Duty here.

A Prevent-related concern might arise where a student makes radicalised comments in an online chat, or in social media posts. For example, a student might offer approval of terrorist activity or express extremist political views. Such views might be associated with faith-based extremism, animal rights, far right movements or other forms of violent extremism and potential terrorism.

For Prevent-related concerns, we ask that you alert us via Report and Support

If there appears to be an imminent risk of harm to the student or others in relation to Prevent (e.g. a student indicates an imminent intention to commit an extremist violent act), you should call 999 and ask for the police.

For more information on Prevent, click here.

More information for staff can be found at: Prevent Duty : Birmingham City University (

There are two ways you can tell us what happened