Safeguarding means protecting a person’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm. Some groups, such as children and vulnerable adults, may be at particular risk of harm because of their care or support needs. 

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and Birmingham City University has its own Safeguarding Policy and Process. This policy applies to all staff, student and visitors to the University. In exceptional circumstances, it may also be applied to any prospective students who have applied to study at the University, or to any former students within 6 months of completing their studies 

If you believe someone to be at imminent risk of serious harm or death, you should call 999 in the first instance. 


Harm can happen anywhere and can take many different forms, including: 
  • Physical harm e.g. hitting or self-harm 
  • Psychological harm e.g. making threats, radicalisation 
  • Financial harm e.g. stealing 
  • Sexual harm e.g. grooming, sexual assault 
  • Neglect e.g. not taking care of yourself or a dependant 
If you have reason to believe that someone has experienced, is experiencing or is at risk of harm, you should report a safeguarding concern. 

Situations in which a concern should be raised include (but are not limited to): 

  • Either a child or adult declares abuse, harm or other inappropriate behaviour; 
  • Either a student or member of staff declares information about them or a family member which suggests someone may be harming a child or vulnerable adult; 
  • There is a concern that a child or adult is being harmed or manipulated, or is at risk of harm or manipulation; 
  • Changes have been noticed in a child or adult’s appearance or behaviour that may be related to harm or manipulation; or 
  • You become aware that a person presents a risk of harm towards a child or adult in relation to their current or previous behaviour. For example, they have a criminal conviction that involves harming or threatening to harm someone else, or they are involved in the possession of inappropriate images or extremist material. 

Emergency Situations: Imminent Risk of Harm 

An emergency situation occurs when there is an imminent risk of harm to an individual’s physical or mental health, such as someone appearing to be unconscious or sharing plans to harm themselves or another. If, having read the Safeguarding Policy, you are concerned that someone is at immediate risk of harm, you should contact Security on extension 6969 (0121 331 6969) and ask them to contact the emergency services. If this is not possible, you will need to make the call to the emergency services by dialling 999. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened