If you, or someone you know has been subject to a safeguarding or prevent concern there is a variety of support options available to both students and staff.

For students 
  • If you need immediate crisis support, please contact the emergency services on 999 or if possible go to your nearest A&E department. A mental health emergency is just as important as a physical health emergency. 
  • Birmingham has two 24/7 mental health crisis teams:
  • Birmingham and Solihull Womens Aid.  0808 800 0028 helpline is open 7 days a week 9.15am-5.15pm. Provides domestic violence and abuse support services to women and children in the Birmingham and Solihull area. 
  • Karma Nirvana; an organisation supporting victims of forced marriage and honour-based abuse and violence. 
  • BCU Mental Health & Wellbeing Team. This University service offers support and advice on issues affecting your student life, with signposting and referral to more specialist services. There is also a free counselling service for all students. If you're not sure where to go, this is a good place to start. Call or complete a form by following the link and you will be offered an appointment. 
  • Speak to someone from your school or faculty. If you are a student you can talk to your personal tutor, or a student success adviser for your faculty. 
  • Extenuating Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened you can consider applying for extenuating circumstances. 
  • BCU’s wellbeing app is an online support service that can be accessed by BCU students and staff for free. There are self-help resources and information on anxiety, stress, managing emotions and building confidence readily available. 

For staff 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened